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Sunday, August 21, 2011

Big surprise for me!

I just wanted to show off my new pressie I found in my mail just now!  

One of my all-time most loved friends, Jade, sent this to me!  She apparently had been playing in my Sand Between my Toes kit and came up with this (Thanks so much hun - LOVE it!!!!!)  She does some absolutely amazing painting over at Deviant Art, here - and I see she's been very, very busy again - Hello! Tied up!!!!  Meee-OWWW!  ROFL!

She leaves me in awe every time I get a chance to chit-chat with her and I dearly love her and George - LOL!

Thanks so very much sweets!  Luv ya!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy you like your little tag. I was browsing through this wonderful blog you have & you know me . . . I never could resist a sale, especially a sale on great art!

Thank you also for the kind words regarding my art. It's always encouraging to have someone, especially a dearly loved friend, give you such high praise. It means the world to me!

Hugs & Love,
